Why Eintouch?

Eintouch is the best quality and overall value in the email marketing service field.

Eintouch Program Walkthrough

Email Marketing that is

In general, email marketing is 6% the cost of direct mail or other print oriented marketing such as magazines or newspapers. Conversely, the results from email marketing run much higher than these older forms of customer exposure.

Our managed approach services, coupled with the high quality and effective designs, great results, and competitive pricing make us one of the best values in the email marketing provider segment. Most email marketing companies offer transactional price models that continue to drive your price up as your club list grows. They appear cheap upfront, but over a little time they grow to be quite expensive. Add on to this the additional cost of branded templates, surveys and most importantly your time.

Affordability all relates back to results, and regardless of the vendor including Eintouch, if we do not implement the best practices and work hard to drive your program and get real results, then price becomes a moot point. A cheaper vendor that doesn't provide results actually costs you WAY more than professionals such as Eintouch's quality and results oriented program.

Speak With Us

If you are interested in our program or would like to learn more about our programs, process, or learn about our affordable pricing, drop us a quick email and we will get back with you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can give us a call Monday through Friday 8AM - 5PM at (877) 977-3463.